Δευτέρα 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2011




The planetary system was created by a (1) spiral nebula of clockwise direction, following elliptic orbit inside our galaxy, the centre of which is still unknown.
In the place I was born, I did research on this issue out of concern and zeal.
Based on EINSTEIN’S theory that equilibrium is achieved by the ATTRACTION, the REPULSION and the critical value of the elements – average rate -, I will cite a well-documented study and answers to the issues that science is concerned.
2.       ROTATION TIME around the axis of the SUN and the planets
3.       DISTANCES between the SUN and the PLANETS (positions).
The BAITSEKER theory (1944-1948), as well as other scientists’ theories, reverted to Kant’s theory without giving any positive results.

It took place in two (2) basic phases and a third posterior one which provide answers to the questions.
After nebula’s combustion the condensation began, whereas the heavier elements followed the head of the nebula, i.e. the SUN’s at the front part, and the tail tagged along at the back.
We underlined that the spiral nebula of clockwise direction began to rotating as soon as the condensation happened, whereupon the centrifugal force began to give sphericity to the SUN – it was shaped by the entire matter of the nebula, apart from the tail, spinning around an agonic line, where its axis has conoid form and the attraction is achieved by the EYE which is formed at the extension of the base of the agonic line’s cone. At this point, due to centrifugal power, there were coinstantaneously abstracted masses from the front and the back part of the SUN.
The mass that was abstracted from the front part caused the REPULSION with the heavier elements forming  the SATURN planet of clockwise direction as the initial movement of the nebula. At the back part, the mass that was abstracted fell conversely in the vacuum because of the heavier elements at the ablation point; because of the cohesion that pre-existed, the tail followed too and with that the cigar’s mass with the tail kept on distancing seeking for equilibrium -  the REPULSION’s mass.
In this case, gravity prevailed over the tractive nature because the interactions gave the physical flow based on NEWTON’s Law, while the fact that it fell conversely created the ANTI-CLOCKWISE DIRECTION. So, as the upper mass (cigar and tail) kept on distancing from the Sun, without getting into elliptic orbit, the LAW of ATTRACTION gradually began.
1)      The first mass which reached opposite the attraction’s EYE of the SUN was attracted and put in an elliptical orbit by the SUN; as for the rest cigar, it kept on distancing for equilibrium’s of the opposite side of REPULSION sake. We already have the fixed stars at the present position of anti-clockwise direction.
2)      The second mass that reached the attraction’s EYE of the SUN was the cigar, which had already been detached after the centrifugal power, had already been deeply distanced because of the gravity, and carried one more circumambulation. As a result, at the time it reached opposite to the EYE of attraction, one part of the cigar was abstracted and set into elliptic orbit, while the rest part kept on distancing because of the gravity, searching out for the equilibrium of the opposite side of repulsion. At the second row, the mass that took the present position is Planet JUPITER OF ANTI-CLOCKWISE DIRECTION.
3)      The third mass that reached the attraction’s EYE of the SUN was the rest of the cigar, which had already been deeply distanced because of the gravity and had already carried one more circumambulation. As a result, as soon as it reached opposite to the attraction’s EYE, it was attracted, set in elliptic orbit and the present Planet SATURN OF ANTI-CLOWISE DIRECTION was created.
The first phase has already been accomplished, equilibrium has been achieved by the Planets we have mentioned, due to REPULSION on the one hand and due to GRAVITY and ATTRACTION on the other, using the attraction’s EYE of the SUN, the Planets of ANTI-CLOCKWISE DIRECTION, as a steering wheel.
Before the end of Phase I, Phase II began and, by the centrifugal power, under the same laws, the Planets URANUS of clockwise direction from the front part and MERCURY – EARTH – MARS OF ANTI-CLOCKWISE DIRECTION from the back part, were created.
By these two phases we have equilibrium, homogeneity in the time of rotation and, although some petty differences, all Planets have axes with conical form.
Pluto’s mass veered from Neptune because of the momentum at the time of breaking during moons’ creation. It got under SUN’s observation and, when the fullness of time and distance came, at the same time (hour x) both the distal Planets PLUTO and MERCURY were set in elliptic orbit by the absolute counterbalance.

Explosion – ejection – magnetic fields – breaking have Venus as a result. This lambent star is still smouldering. No sign of life. The period Earth was covered with glaciers, Venus was swimming in the SUN’s lava. An enormous sunspot was ejected from the SUN after a powerful explosion and, because of the high-speed turning, it became an actual fact. Sunspots are formed by the ash of the burning matter, absorb enormous magnetic fields and become like travertine. A lot of things have been indicated by science. The results are visible on Earth. The magnetic fields literally disarranged the inner space from SUN to MARS. A braking of the Sun and the Planets occurred as far as Mars. They are now moving in a slow rotation.
The movement of Venus is of clockwise direction as the incipient movement inside lava near Equator, but it had been attracted by the heavier elements at the front part. There is no axis like in the other planets.
The appearance of Venus affected Earth’s movements a great deal, something that is known to science.
Page 248: Huge overhang in the SUN which could develop into a new VENUS if the SUN moved  in a  ten (10) hours’ interval. Comparison of the overhang and the Earth – 4/6/1946.
VENUS: Page 284: 15/12/1970 VENERA 7: Burnt Earth. Page 285: 25/10/1975 VENERA 9: Burnt Earth.

SLIDE of America.
SLIDE in some parts of Africa, Saudi Arabia, Gulf of Aden, Euboea and Central Greece.
DISPLACEMENT of the ocean towards Siberia, descent towards Ararat, Noah’s ark, factuality. Rift of Samaria – Omalos Crete. Aitoloakarnania Kleisoura. All of them happened from the East to the West and in many places of our Planet.
It is generally proved that the SUN is the main contributor of our planetary system creation. The distances between the planets of the first and second phases are proportional. As for the distances between planets of anti-clockwise direction, Kepler’s Law must be applied.
Saturn’s rings are the result of high pressure. A jet from the point of Equator, at times, created the rings accordingly to the elements and pressure.
By the creation of the Planets of every phase and the counterbalance of the masses on either side, a breaking happened, the centrifugal power occurred, masses were proportionally abstracted from the Planets, they were rounded and the moons were created.
1)      PLUTO’S MOON CHARON which veered because of the momentum. NEPTUNE – PLUTO – CHARON.
2)      The MOON. At the time that Earth was attracted by the SUN’S attraction EYE, the Moon was found at the back of Earth, in a close distance and, after getting over the attraction’s distance, it was attracted by Earth.
The theory’s certainty is proved two (2) times. Creation of the SUN and PLANETS and Creation of the PLANETS and MOONS.
I am certain that the submitting of my theory will be applauded as a world-wide event for humanity, because it will be given to education, it will be implemented and follow a commercial activity. That’s why I propose and offer, putting aside my personal interest.
A Scientific Association to be set up by Professors of Astrophysics, with Committees of Commercial Activities from many Countries, based in ATHENS.
Members and stakeholders will be astrophysicists and whoever will approve my theory, counting one hundred (100) points and giving full details on the INTERNET with priority to each Country’s date and time:

U.S.A                              MEMBERS 12                   POINTS 12
RUSSIA                           MEMBERS 10                   POINTS 10
CHINA                            MEMBERS 8                     POINTS 8        
U.K                                 MEMBERS 7                     POINTS 7
FRANCE                         MEMBERS 7                     POINTS 7      
GERMANY                     MEMBERS 6                     POINTS 6
JAPAN                            MEMBERS 5                     POINTS 5
GREECE                          MEMBERS 5                     POINTS 5  
INDIA                             MEMBERS 4                     POINTS 4
AUSTRALIA                    MEMBERS 3                     POINTS 3
CANADA                        MEMBERS 3                      POINTS 3
BRAZIL                           MEMBERS 2                     POINTS 2
ISRAEL                           MEMBERS 3                     POINTS 3
SWITZERLAD                MEMBERS 3                      POINTS 3
IRAN                              MEMBERS 2                      POINTS 2
SWEDEN                       MEMBERS 2                      POINTS 2
NORTH KOREA             MEMBERS 2                     POINTS 2
INDONESIA                   MEMBERS 1                      POINTS 1

a)                                                A Professor of Astrophysics, competent for the State, Coordinator for the Foundation of the Association, i.e. MEMBER 1, POINTS 5.
b)                                                Nikolaos Stranomitis (the present), i.e. MEMBER 1, POINTS 5.
c)                                                 Constantinos Nikolaou Stranomitis (son), Director of the Commercial Activity, Naval Architect, Mechanical Engineer, i.e. MEMBER 1, POINTS 5.
AGGREGATE                   MEMBERS 88                 POINTS 100.
Successors of the stakeholders will be  Astrophysicists’ children, possessing diplomas of Astrophysics or being Astronauts and, in the case that a void comes up, the plenum will take a decision.

Commercial activity. Controlled production. Books – Records – C.D.R. Copyright for magazines of new discoveries. Magazines that will arise from the present theory. Fixed prices in EURO fixed currency world-wide and offering of respectable percentage of profits to a global Enterprise of Space, with a view for the man to set foot on another planetary system. Creation of publishing houses in order to meet the needs. I want 30% of the production in Greece and especially in AGRINIO, my birthplace.
I kept five (5) points for myself. I was born in the year 1929. Transparency everywhere. No Political Influence. _

Thank you very much,
Sincerely yours,

PS1: This theory verifιes the theories of both Einstein and Newton because through this application nowadays reality is presented.(can apply in nowadays reality)

PS2: In 1618, Kepler with the 3rd law laid the foundation of - CELESTIAL ENGINEERING - for the placement of planets-sense only( forward direction only )- while the current theory proves step-by-step how it reached the current positions. Two planets retrograde, Poseidon and Uranus,that were detached from the front, were considered to be the fixed points of balance because of the braking with the mass of each phase of the opposite side.

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